It is unfortunate that we Kenyans have to endure endless time and
resource wasting political rallies in order to accommodate the views of a
few avaricious CORD leaders lost in Marxist ideologies. These narcissistic
political forays fuelled by blunt and blind sycophantic loyalty, has
created a nauseating mistrust amongst an otherwise beautiful peaceful people of
The insatiable desire to be President has made Raila Odinga
compromise the very fabric that has held this country together for 51 years,
PEACE. His constant banging at doors in the corridors of presiding powers to
have someone listen to his tittle-tattle has become a nuisance to say
the least. Kenyans have become weary of those who are crying wolf and
antagonizing communities in their quest to occupy the house on the hill.
No one is disputing the fact that Kenya and its people are facing a
myriad of challenges, unemployment to insecurity you name it. But,
the insinuations by the CORD leadership that these were birthed or chiefly
caused by the Jubilee government is misleading and grossly exaggerated.
For a government that has been in power for just over a year now, it is
annoying for anyone to expect the past injustices to be remedied with one
swing of a magic wand. Unfortunately this is what the opposition is selling to
the masses making them believe that they, given a chance will do exactly
that.... yah right!!! What tangible economic activity has CORD or Raila ever done
to change and/ or improve the lives of those in their so called strongholds? What
would CORD or Raila be remembered for other than noise making, and disCORD?
Silently seated on the other side of the fence is an even
larger mass that voted in the current government watching
with disdain the political circus shows by the opposition. Wondering when
all these madness will end and more meaningful mature politics commence. We all
live in this country and face the same challenges whether you are a Jubilee or
CORD supporter but I don't see Jubilee supporters’ up in arms calling for a
revolution. Does that mean Jubilee supporters are probably shielded from life's tragedies that is currently facing CORD supporters? Forgive my cynicism! On a lighter
note the so called opposition have become nothing but some comic
relief on our TV sets every evening. Should President Uhuru heed these CORD’s
rackets? I believe I represent the views of the majority when I say without
flinching….HELL NO!!! Jubilee’s administration has made it clear that they will
not have any dialogue with the “nothing better to do CORD” and the supporters
of Jubilee government are 100% behind that decision. In a free and democratic
country like Kenya no one should think they can coerce another to have unwarranted dialogue.
Commenting on a recent careless statement made by a member of the opposition who in public made a vow not to ever work with Jubilee government and promised to make the work of President Uhuru and Deputy President Ruto impossible, I then wonder how the so called “dialogue" would resolve the underlying and unreasonable hostilities currently existing.
CORD has expressed in no uncertain terms that unless they are the ones
holding the reins of power this country has no hope and they have created an
illusion that they are the only ones in possession of the magic pill that would
heal this ailing nation of Kenya. Born out of Raila's overwhelming lust for
power this notion has been cultivated for years in the hope that he will one
day be called MR. PRESIDENT at whatever cost. To this man Raila, the end
justifies the means. His supporters have bought into this illusive notion
engaging the country in endless campaigns. Narcissism and sycophancy emerged
with some western powers acting as the catalytic agents in order to further
their own selfish economic ambitions.
For these powerful western nations narcissism and sycophancy was a
malady they quickly identified and took advantage of at the expense
of the people of this beautiful country. Downplaying the need for cohesion they
sought to indirectly influence the political outcomes through these two
channels of disorder (narcissism and sycophancy) resulting in tumultuous political
episodes in Kenya. We were left reeling from the effects of this western
machinations back in 2007/2008 general elections.
Lack of patriotism (which is impossible if you possess narcissistic tendencies)
has seen some of our so called leaders sell their birth rights to the
western nations. Raila "the darling of the west" as he is often
referred to has nothing to offer this nation other than what will dictated to
him by his western masters. For years a sizeable chunk of the CORD leaders
held powerful portfolios in previous governments and they have nothing to show
for it. They did zero then but they now promise to take us to the promise land.
Hmm! you make up your own mind and believe what you must but this much I
know, the era of mass action and myopic political reactions are gone. We need
to be responsible for our own actions and the current Jubilee government has a
five year mandate to do what it must within the time frame provided by
the constitution without constant wasteful and
unhealthy badgering.
Parliament provides a good forum for an effective opposition and must be
used as such. CORD members can express their views and change laws they deem
counterproductive in this constitutionally recognized forum. Unfortunately they
have decided to rally around a person rather than principles they hold true.
The big man syndrome they claim to abhor is deeply embedded in their camp and which
they fervently worship. Without Raila CORD is as good as dead and they know it and that
is why they look displaced and wobbly with their big man (Baba!) outside the
August house. The agitation for dialogue is purely to have their
"Baba" recognized as a force to reckon with or an equal to
Uhuru and Ruto. The relegation of their "Baba" in the recent held
elections did not sit well with these sycophants and they have since been
devising ways of resurrecting their "Baba", you see a sycophant
cannot function without a narcissist. On the other hand a narcissistic leader
prefers the sparkle and glamour of well-orchestrated illusions to the tedium
and method of real accomplishments. His reign is all smoke and mirrors, devoid
of substances, consisting of mere appearances and mass delusions.
A portion form an article (Narcissists
and Sycophants: A Marriage Made in Hell) July 29, 2009, I
recently read and have shared below outlines the relationship that exists
between a narcissist and a sycophant. It makes for a good reading.
Narcissism noun (Concise
Mental disorder
characterized by extreme self-absorption, an exaggerated sense of
self-importance, and a need for attention and admiration from others.
A narcissist is
a person with inordinate fascination with himself or herself. They have few
social control mechanisms, fewer friends, little or no psychic demands to do
the right thing (even though they give lip service to this concept) do not look
for approval from others, lack social barometers of how to conduct themselves,
and are driven to be captivating, inspirational, charming and seductive. They
have a desperate need to get others to buy into their world
view–their vision, to create a world that they populate with their devoted
followers. They are grandiose, don’t listen to others, are prone to angry
outbursts (often used to control others who disagree with them), bully
subordinates, dominate meetings and are often isolated and paranoid. According
to Twenge and Campbell, narcissism is “a disease that causes others to suffer.”
Narcissism is nearly always corrosive to social relationships as it breeds
distrust. Narcissists are prone to using people like they use books,
information and knowledge—they pump them for information and then when they are
through, throw them aside. To the narcissist, there are only friends or foes;
you are either for or against their vision. There is no middle ground.
sy·co·phan·cy noun
(Merriam Webster)
obsequious flattery
sycophant : a
person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval
Sycophants are
self-serving servile flatterers and are often slavishly submissive to the
narcissist. The narcissist and the sycophant need each other. The
narcissist is completely dependent on the sycophant to feed his ego, to feel
important and powerful. The sycophant, on the other hand, is also
dependent on the narcissist for the narcissist makes the sycophant feel
included and connected to someone the sycophant believes is powerful and
important and will elevate the sycophant to great success, recognition or
social standing. The sycophant derives a lot of self-worth from the narcissist
as the relationship with the narcissist gives the sycophant social standing he
otherwise would not have. In short, the relationship between the narcissist and
sycophant is symbiotic; each feeding and dependent on the other. Without
sycophants, the narcissist struggles, becomes depressed and feels his or her
life has no meaning. A narcissist must have blind allegiance and the adoration
of sycophantic followers because that is the food of the narcissist. Most
often, a narcissist surrounds him or herself with “yes men” (slavishly
submissive flatterers) who the narcissist sees as no threat to him or herself
but yet, who are also not much good for advancing the narcissist’s vision. But
that is OK with the narcissist, because he or she has all the answers, knows
what is best and right and doesn't listen to others anyway. The “yes men” are
the means to an end, they help the narcissist get what he or she wants and will
only be kept close as long as they serve a purpose.
As a group, sycophants find meaning
and purpose out of protecting and becoming the narcissist’s handlers. They bond
with other sycophants in this common purpose and are simultaneously validated
by each other for how dysfunctional this interpersonal interplay is, either on
a conscious or unconscious level, depending on the dysfunction of each
individual. In such groups, everyone suffers. There are no winners in this
symbiotic relationship. The narcissist’s hold is so great it is hard for the
sycophant to escape the narcissist’s seductive embrace. At some point,
depending on the amount of pain the sycophant has had to endure, they will wake
up when they are no longer able to tolerate being used or when their own ethics
or integrity will no longer permit them to be passive participants in the
destructive world of the narcissist. Faced with abandonment, the narcissist
acts more and more out of desperation, devolves deeper into his or her pathology
and ends up alone and even more isolated, completing the cycle of narcissistic
In the end, narcissists die alone and
sycophants suffer stunted emotional and psychological growth, unless they grow
strong enough to break their addiction and choose to value their own self-worth
instead of abandoning it for the advancement of the narcissist.
Let us be a people who rally behind
real and life changing corporate ideas that will move this nation to the next level
rather than rally behind people championing their own advancement masquerading
as liberators. But first let us be true to our country we are after all,
Great Article.
ReplyDeleteBaba will destroy this country given a chance
Beware CORD guys.
Thx J.C. We need to fervently pray for our nation and especially for our leaders to lead with wisdom lest they destroy a good nation.